How do I add manual flashcards?

You can add flashcards manually to Luna. This can be used if you have questions which need to be phrased in a specific way for assessments and exams, or if you prefer to have more control over the information on your flashcards.

To add manual flashcards

  1. Click on the collection you would like to add flashcards into to open it.
  2. To add flashcards, click the '+New cards' button in the top right-hand corner of the collection menu.
  3. Click 'Create cards manually'.
  4. Choose the type of question you would like to add by choosing the '?' icon for a question and answer, or '✓/x' for a true or false question.
  5. Type in your question and answer, or your true or false statement. For a true or false flashcard make sure you choose if the answer is true or false.
  6. When you're finished, click '+ Save & add another' if you would like to add another card, or 'Save card' if you would like to return to the collection menu.
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