How do I change a collection's scheduling?

You can change a collection’s scheduling at any time by editing the collection.

To change a collection’s scheduling

  1. Open the collection you would like to edit.
  2. Choose the ‘Settings’ tab on the collections navigation bar.
  3. Scroll down and choose the scheduling you would like from ‘Review Scheduling’:
  • No scheduling,
  • Smart scheduling, if using this option, you can set a start and end date by scrolling to the bottom of the options,
  • or Custom scheduling, if using this option you will need to choose the days to be scheduled or turn on increasing intervals, and can set a start and end date by scrolling to the bottom of the options.
  1. When you have made any changes, click ‘Save’ in the top right-hand corner to save the changes.

What happens when I change the scheduling for a collection?

If you change the scheduling for your collection, you will keep all your collection confidence scores and individual flashcard confidence scores.

When changing a collection to a custom schedule, the schedule will start on the next day chosen to review cards. For smart scheduling, the algorithm will begin again, and you will need to do the initial two reviews for Luna to calculate when to review each individual card.

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