Getting Started with Revision Resources
Revision Resources are a range of guides written by specialists and videos to help you build new revision skills and strategies, and get advice when you need it.

What are the Revision Resources?
You can access Revision Resources through the ‘Revision Resources’ tab on the top navigation banner on the ‘Collections’ page.
Each revision guide has a summary at the top, then advice in sections or steps to follow, with each article looking at how you can apply these strategies to your learning.
You can read the articles, listen to the audio using the 'Listen to this article' button, or watch a video for some articles.
How do I find articles that are useful to me?
Find topics and articles using the 'Search topics' search bar, and by exploring collections using the menu in the top right-hand corner or though the buttons on the Revision Resources home page.
You can also find ‘Quick read’ articles or ‘Video’ content by looking at the tags on the cover images.