Creating flashcards using the flashcard builder

Luna provides two different ways to create flashcards - manually or using the flashcard builder. Follow the instructions below to use the flashcard builder feature or click here to see how to create cards manually.

Flashcards can be created manually or using the flashcard builder

  1. To use the flashcard builder, click on the collection that you want to add the cards to and then click on the Add Card button
  2. Select the Flashcard builder option and then add in the content that you want to create flashcards from - this could be a section of notes, some text from a website or journal article, or you could type in a short phrase or even an equation that you need to understand. There is a limit of 3000 characters worth of content that you can add, but if you have more text than this that you want to create flashcards from, you can repeat this process as many times as needed.

Add content to the flashcard builder

  1. Click Next
  2. Luna will now create a number of key insights from whatever information you added - these are the things that Luna thinks you need to learn

Luna pulls out key insights from your content

  1. Check through the insights and edit any information that you think needs changing or rewording, or use the toggle switch to exclude any that you think don’t need to be turned into flashcards
  2. Click Next
  3. Luna will now convert the insights into a series of short answer questions displayed as flashcards with the question on one side and the answer on the other. You can edit any of the wording or use the toggle switch to exclude any that you don’t want. You can also use the question type icon to switch any card into a true/false question

Key insights are then converted to questions for your flashcards

  1. Click create cards when you are ready and see them added to your collection
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