Collection settings

Collection settings

Within the collection settings, you can mark a collection as complete (that is, you no longer need to learn the cards in that collection, maybe because you’ve sat the exam that the cards were being used to revise from), change the collection name and colour, and choose the scheduling option for that collection.

To find out more about the different scheduling options in Luna, please see our Scheduling options article.

Finally you can add a collection start and end date. If you want to start reviewing the cards straight away there is no need to add a start date. However, it may be useful to create a collection for a new subject or module, and then add cards to it over time as you learn cover new material. You may then want to start your reviews when the module has been completed, so could set that date as the start date.

The end date is useful if you are learning information for a specific event, such as an assessment or exam. Set the end date for when that event is taking place and any scheduling options that you choose will run until that date. If you choose the smart scheduling option, Luna will use the end date to help calculate how frequently you need to carry out reviews in order to be ready for that date.

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