Your collections

When you log in to Luna, the first page you see is the Collection page.

Your Collections

Here you will see all the collections that you have created, organised into 4 views:

  • All - as you’d expect, this shows all the collections you have created, with the most recently created at the top of the list
  • Scheduled - this view shows those collections that you have set to have a smart or custom schedule
  • Unscheduled - all the collections that you have set to have no schedule
  • Completed - you can set a collection to be completed in the collection settings, and it will then be listed in this view

In addition to having these view options, each collection card provides you with the following information:

  • the collection title
  • the number of cards in the collection
  • the scheduling option
  • the collection confidence (a sort of average score for how well you know the cards in the collection)
  • the next suggested review (if you’ve set the collection to use a smart or custom schedule)

Clicking or tapping on a collection displays any cards in that collection. You can see each card’s question and answer, question type (short answer or true/false), plus the card confidence rating. Tapping or clicking on an individual card opens up that card and allows you to edit or delete it.

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