Getting Started using Scheduling

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Luna offers three scheduling options to help you review your study materials: smart scheduling, custom scheduling, or no scheduling.

You can set your scheduling when you set up your collections or edit it at any time. This means you can create your flashcards throughout the term, schedule them when you are ready to revise, or change your collection scheduling to fit study, hobbies, and work.

The scheduling options in luna showing, no scheduling, smart scheduling highlighted in blue, and custom scheduling
The scheduling options in Luna

Smart Scheduling

‘Smart scheduling’ lets Luna do the heavy lifting and suggest when you should review your collections based on:

  • each flashcard’s confidence score
  • how long it has been since the flashcard was last reviewed
  • any start of target dates added for the flashcard collection
  • how confident you are at learning new information

In your first two reviews which will be scheduled once a day for ‘Tomorrow’ after creating a collection, you will review all the flashcards in your collection. After the second review, Luna’s ‘Smart scheduling’ algorithm can calculate when to review each individual flashcard.

Luna gives you a personalised flashcard schedule to support you in reviewing information, continuing to calculate when to review each flashcard, and suggesting flashcards you aren’t confident with more frequently.

Custom Scheduling

‘Custom scheduling’ allows you to choose days to review your flashcards. You can add start and end dates to create a revision schedule for the future.

You can also set up your custom scheduling to review in increasing intervals, which doubles the amount of time between each review. For example, you’d start with a review on day 1, with the next review on day 2, then day 4, then day 8, increasing until you reach your end date. This is a technique called spaced repetition, where if you increase the intervals between testing yourself on information, you remember information better.

No Scheduling

Not ready to start reviewing? With Luna, you don’t have to set a revision schedule.

Create your flashcards after each study session, class, or when reviewing notes to get your flashcards ready for when you need them. With no scheduling, you can still review your materials whenever you want.

When exams come around, you can change the scheduling for your collection to a smart schedule, or a custom schedule, to support you in moving into revision season.

What happens when I change the scheduling for a collection?

If you change the scheduling for your collection, you will keep all your collection confidence scores and individual flashcard confidence scores.

When changing a collection to a custom schedule, the schedule will start on the next day chosen to review cards. For smart scheduling, the algorithm will begin again, and you will need to do the initial two reviews for Luna to calculate when to review each individual card.

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